Treatment Not Jail Coalition

ENJAN Members, 

Here is an excellent Interview with Public Defender Sophie Feal, an active member of the Treatment Not Jail Coalition up in Buffalo. The recent interview was hosted by Partnership for the Public Good in Buffalo. The video provides a lot of good insight into the Treatment Not Jail bill that ENJAN is supporting. You can view the video here: 

State of the State 2025

Register for Upcoming Training

Join the Advocacy Institute on Thursday, January 23rd, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM for our 2025 Real State of the State webinar - an analysis of Governor Kathy Hochul’s State of the State address. Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the legislative landscape and strengthen your advocacy efforts in the year ahead.

In this training, participants should expect:

  • An overview of Governor Hochul's State of the State

  • An analysis of what advocates can expect from the Assembly and Senate

  • Overview of budget timeline

  • Recommended next steps for advocacy

Advocacy Institute trainings are open to policy advocates, organizers, community members, volunteers, and others working toward a more just and equitable New York. Training is free for Advocacy Institute member organizations and $15 per person for non-members.

The deadline to register for this training is Tuesday, January 21st. Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive a calendar invitation we’ll update with the Zoom link prior to the training. If you’re a non-member, you’ll receive a payment link. Payments are due by Wednesday, January 22nd to receive the event log-in details. We are unable to provide refunds. If you are unable to make it or pay after the deadline, you’re welcome to transfer your event registration to a colleague or apply the fee to a future training.

If you're interested in being a member or have questions about membership, please email

Register here

Treatment Not Jail

The date for the Treatment Not Jail Advocacy Day in Albany has changed from January 14th to January 21st. Here is the schedule for that day:

10:30 am: NYC buses arrive in Albany (263 Madison Avenue)
10:45 am - 11:45 am: Lunch + Team Prep (3rd Fl Mezzanine, Legislative Office Bldg)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Rally (Million Dollar Staircase, 3rd Floor, Capitol)
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Legislative meetings (meeting schedule and team assignments TBD!) 
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm: Debrief + afternoon snacks (3rd Fl Mezzanine, LOB)
4:00 pm: NYC Buses leave Albany (263 Madison Ave)

We have attached an updated flyer and some other materials about this event. You can register for the Treatment Not Jail Advocacy Day here: TNJ Advocacy Day Registration. If anyone is interested in attending this event, please email

The Parole Justice Advocacy Day and the Communities Not Cages Advocacy Day dates have not changed.

Thank you.
The ENJAN Curators

Treatment Not Jail Coalition


The email below was forwarded to us by the Treatment Not Jail Coalition. The email was sent to ENJAN to ask for our support for a proposed New York State bill (S7111A) which limits stops of drivers, bicyclists, and/or pedestrians for "low-level, non-safety traffic stops." 

Historical data clearly shows that people of color are stopped for these low level offenses much more frequently than whites. The bill also requires police officers to inform individuals stopped that they have a right to refuse a search unless there is a warrant signed by a judge, and requires more transparent reporting of all stops. A draft of the bill is attached, along with a bill summary, a list of similar bills passed across the US, and a report by the Thurgood Marshall Institute, titled "Safe Roads."

If you are interested in learning more about this bill, please consider attending the Zoom Meeting described in the email, which will be held from 4:00 to 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 18th. to register, please send an email to Jill Paperno from Empire Justice at

Thank you.

The ENJAN Curators

Saturday, October 19th

 Hello ENJAN members,

Attached is the official flyer for the 2024 ENJAN gathering! 

On Saturday, October 19th, we'll be meeting at the A.J. Williams-Myers African Roots Library (43 Gill Street, Kingston). We'll also be live-streaming the gathering through Zoom. The program starts at noon and goes until 5pm, and ENJAN-Kingston will be providing lunch. 

There's a QR code on the flyer to register, but you can also do so through this link:

This year's theme is Decriminalizing Mental Illness, so we'll have speakers on:
  • Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program
  • Natural Helpers Peer-to-Peer program
  • Treatment Not Jail and Daniel's Law legislation
  • Panel Discussion providing inside perspectives on Mental Illness and Incarceration
There will also be musical entertainment provided by Callie Jayne Mackenzie and Stephen R Johnson.

We hope you join us!

Democracy During Detention Act

We want to spread the word about another important New York State Bill that ENJAN is supporting. The bill is called the "Democracy During Detention Act" (Senate bill S6875 / Assembly bill A9612). The bill is also known as the "Voting in Jails Bill". The proposed new law is written to ensure that incarcerated individuals who have a right to vote have a clear path to register to vote and to vote in elections. Any incarcerated individual, who is not incarcerated for a felony conviction, has the right to vote. The law makes it explicit that local Boards of Elections are to be tasked with ensuring the people who are eligible to vote, but who are detained in jails, can register and vote.

If you are interested in learning more about this bill and how you can help get the bill passed, you can watch this advocacy training video: Let New York Vote Training Session

We have also attached two other documents that may be of interest:
1) A Summary of the Voting in Jails (Democracy During Detention) Bill
2) Election Protection Partner Document

We encourage everyone to reach out to your local legislators to tell them that you support passage of this bill. Thank you.

The ENJAN Curators