Who Is Jim Crow?” Film Series
Event Type: Adult Film Program
Date: 1/18/2014
Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Auditorium
Description: Film: "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness". This movie features Michelle Alexander who talks about her book "The New Jim Crow" that sparked a nationwide movement to end mass incarceration and the racial caste system it has created.
A film discussion will be led by Odell Winfield, founder of ENJAN (End the New Jim Crow Action Network) and Rev. Steve Ruelke (Ecclesia Ministries of Newburgh). The series is sponsored by: Greater Newburgh Ministerial Association, ENJAN, Ecclesia Ministries of Newburgh and Newburgh Free Library.
A film discussion will be led by Odell Winfield, founder of ENJAN (End the New Jim Crow Action Network) and Rev. Steve Ruelke (Ecclesia Ministries of Newburgh). The series is sponsored by Sponsored by: Greater Newburgh Ministerial Association, ENJAN, Ecclesia Ministries of Newburgh and Newburgh Free Library.