Sing Sing Movie and Talk

SING SING: Movie and Talk with Rehabilitation Through the Arts
Mar 22 • 1 PM • HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER, 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, 10524, United States • View details & RSVP

Upcoming Events

ENJAN Members,

We have received emails from a number of different members asking us to post information on upcoming events, online articles, or other resources. Please note that you are welcome to submit any posts directly to our Google Group by sending the post or email to The posts just need to be relevant to ENJAN's mission.

Upcoming Events that may be of interest:

Thursday, March 6th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm: Conversations in Black Freedom Studies - "State Violence: Prisons, Police, Politics"
Online Only - Register Here: and click "Tickets" which are FREE.

You can view a prior Conversations in Black Freedom Studies called "First Person: Writing Black Activist Lives from the Inside" on YouTube here:
The actual event starts at 14:26 minutes into the Youtube video

Saturday, March 8th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm: "Saints Behind Bars" with author Sr. Laura Morgan
Location: Our Lady of Atonement Retreat House, 21 Old Highland Turnpike, Garrison, NY (IN PERSON ONLY)
Tickets are $45 which includes lunch. This event is hosted by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement

Tuesday, March 11th starting at 6:00 pm: "Know Your Rights - Allies"
This online (Zoom) session is aimed at assisting Allies in understanding what migrant families are facing with the new administration and how they can help.

Thursday, March 27th from 7:00 pm: "Redefining Justice: Tackling Wrongful Convictions and Reforming the Criminal Justice System"
Location: Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Ave at 103rd Street, New York City (IN PERSON ONLY)
Tickets are $30 or $25 for Museum Members

Playback of GIRDS (Gender Identity, Respect, Identity, Dignity, and Safety) Act Teach In
If you did not attend this Zoom event hosted by the Trans Prisoner Rights Coalition on February 12th, you can view the playback. ...

Thank you, 
The ENJAN Curators