Undoing Racism Workshops

Undoing Racism Workshops

Are You Challenged by How to Deal with Race Issues in Your Organization? Are You Concerned about the Impact of Race and Racism in our Communities?

We invite you to take part in advancing institutional change for racial equity. Workshop participants will engage in a comprehensive exploration of how racism shapes American institutions, often without our conscious understanding that it is doing so. 

Applicants should be individuals in positions to take knowledge gained in the workshop back to their colleagues, institutions and wider communities.

Undoing Racism Workshops are unique 2 1/2 day workshops offered by The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond, a national, multiracial, anti-racist network from New Orleans dedicated to ending racism and other forms of institutional oppression. 

Now in its 30th year, PISAB has provided training, consultation, and leadership development to more than 500,000 people in organizations nationally and internationally. Graduates of the workshop say that the workshop helps them deal with both cultural competence and racial dynamics in their practice and institution.

The PISAB analysis moves beyond a focus on the symptoms of racism to an understanding of what Racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it still persists and how it can be UNDONE. The workshop stresses learning from history, developing leadership, maintaining accountability to communities of color, creating networks, undoing internalized oppression, and understanding the role of organizational gatekeeping in perpetuating racism. 

Key areas of discussion include:

1. Analyzing Power
2. Defining Racism
3. Understanding the Manifestations of Racism
4. Learning from History
5. Sharing Culture
6. Organizing to Undo Racism



Challenged by How to Deal with Race Issues in Your Organization?  Concerned about the Impact of Race and Racism in our Communities?

We invite you to take part in an “Appetizer Presentation” about Undoing Racism Workshops. It will give you a feel for the URWs, which are all about advancing institutional change for racial equity.

Two dates to choose from:

Tuesday, March 24th  3:00 – 5:00 pm at the LGBTQ Center, Wall Street in Kingston
Thursday, March 26th 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the New Progressive Baptist Church on Hone Street in Kingston

Tracy Givens Hunter (Community Organizer) and Peter Heymann (ENJAN) will lead the Appetizer Presentation. Co-sponsors of this event are: the LGBTQ Task Force for Undoing Racism, ENJAN (End the New Jim Crow Action Network). 

Let us know which date you can attend the Undoing Racism Appetizer. And let’s gather together to organize to Undo Racism.