We must act before more lives are lost. -Shannon Wong

Our elected leaders must do more than call for masks amidst this crisis. They should advocate for the release of people with underlying health conditions and older folks who are vulnerable. They should support letting out people who are locked up for administrative reasons like parole violations, and those held pre-trial who are legally innocent. And we should release people whose sentences will end soon. Doing so could mean the difference between people going home now or never coming home again.

The pandemic has taught us that we ignore the most vulnerable among us at our own peril. Outbreaks that start in jails and prisons will likely spread to entire communities, increasing the danger to us all. We must act before more lives are lost.

Take Action Today

Call or email Senator Metzger and Assemblymember Jacobson:
  • Tell them masks are not a meaningful solution. The only meaningful intervention is to reduce the jail population.
  • Ask them to reach out to Governor Cuomo tell him to protect people in jail and prison by reducing the incarcerated population and limit admissions into jails and prisons. Here is a link to our letter to the governor.
  • You can reach out to Governor and demand release. Use our click to action or call  518-474-8390.