Pop Art Demonstration

 No New Dutchess County Jail -- Pop Art Demonstration

Thank you for helping to make this experience interaction!
Volunteer support, our vision for creating two makeshift jail cells to place in two locations Poughkeepsie and Beacon have been realized! The goal is to use these makeshift jail cells to draw the community as they walk by to engage in conversation.

As we engage with the community, we will be asking the community to write on the jail cell. And have them send an email to their legislature. Talking points and orientation will be provided on Friday, November 6, 2020, from 6 PM to 7 PM.
Please fill out this form if you are available to take a shift over the weekend ofNovember 7 and 8 for the No-New-DCJ pop Art Demonstration. Please complete the form by Thursday 11/3 12pm.

Thank you; as always, please reach out to us if you have questions. 
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Alisha Kohn 
Pronouns; She/Her/Hers
Director of Queer Justice Committee
The Newburgh LGBTQAI+ Center