Black August in Action

First aired August 23, 2022 on WPFW 89.3 FM

In this week's episode is a great one! Black Agenda Report, Executive Editor, Margaret Kimberley puts things into proper perspective about the return of "Trump Derangement Syndrome." We have a moving audio mix featuring the voices from “Black August In Action: Local Organizing for Political Prisoners”, a webinar by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). We go in deep with National climate and racial justice advocate, policy expert and BAP member, Anthony Karefa Rogers-Wright about greenwashing of the so-called climate provisions of the "Inflation Reduction Act" and Democratic party duplicity against Black and Indigenous communities. The show kicks off with the vision in the voice of brother Mumia Abu Jamal, giving a welcoming back Black Panther Party veteran Charlotte O’Neal. This show includes the song “Freedom Today!” by Jabbir and Derrick of Ex-Offenders United, and Eduardo Galeano’s poem, "The Nobodies" was read by Joseph Green.



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FAIR WARNING: Our show is not for the politically faint of heart 😎