April Lobby Day

April Lobby Day
Please mark April 18th on your calendar for a hybrid virtual and in-person lobby day! We wont have as much transportation support, so the group going up to 
Albany will be smaller, but there will be plenty of opportunities to participate in virtual meetings with legislators! Please sign up here and 


Legislative Updates
Legislators continue to sign onto our bills every day! For our constitutional amendment bill, the No Slavery in NY Act  (S225/A3412), we are making great progress- we now have 29 assembly co-sponsors (goal is 76) and 17 senate co-sponsors (more than halfway to our goal of 32!). Fun fact- with the sign-on of Republican Assemblymember Michael Novakhov today, we officially have bi-partisan support for this bill!! 

Tell your legislators to sign onto No Slavery in NY!
Check if your senator is signed on here and your assemblymember is signed on here. If not, call their office using this dialer on our website and let them know that passing this bill is important to the people that elected them.

Check out these media pieces on our movement!
  • Lead sponsor Assemblymember Harvey Epstein and steering committee member Jesse Koklas discuss our campaign on PBS' MetroFocus. Link here.
  • Steering committee members Wilfredo Laracuente and Jesse Koklas on radio show/podcast Abolition Today. Link here to listen as well as wherever you get your podcasts.
Working Group Meeting Cancelled Tomorrow and Next Week
Our Wednesday working group meetings are cancelled for the rest of March as folks focus on passing budget bills, but will restart the first week of April on the 5th!

In Solidarity, 
The Steering Committee