Keep advocating for the social and criminal justice reforms

We are now in the middle of the New York State Legislative Session, so it is very important to keep advocating for the social and criminal justice reforms that we would all like passed this year. Here are some upcoming Advocacy Days supporting these bills. Please consider participating or helping by calling or emailing your state legislators.

Monday, April 17th: Parole Justice Advocacy Day
- This is an in-person event in Albany
- See attached flyer for details
- You can register here: 
- To learn more go to the RAPP website:
- For questions or to volunteer to phone bank, please email Noel Casey at

Tuesday, April 25th: End Qualified Immunity Advocacy Day
- This event runs from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in Albany
- See attached flyer for details
- You can register here:
- To learn more go to this website:

Wednesday, May 3rd: Treatment Not Jail Advocacy Day
- This is an in-person event in Albany
- See attached flyer for details
- You can register here:  
For questions please email Casey Dalporto at

Thank you, 
The ENJAN Curators