Criminal Justice Reform/Alternatives to Jail Expansion join my Jobs Not Jails organization, E.N.J.A.N. (End the New Jim Crow Action Network), and our Real Majority Project Saturday, Sept. 26th at 10 am at the Family Partnership Center Lateef Islam Memorial Auditorium at 29 North Hamilton Street in Poughkeepsie (12601) for a follow-up open and public forum I'll be facilitating:

"Criminal Justice Reform/Alternatives to Jail Expansion: State-of-the-Art, Cutting-Edge Best Practices from Across the U.S."

Speakers will include the following (list growing!):

-- Odell Winfield and Geri Wilmott of

-- Soffiyah Elijah, Executive Director, Correctional Association of NY--

-- Dr. Vanda Seward, Program Administrator for the Kings County Re-Entry Task Force and Director for the nationally known ComAlert program-- recognized in NYTimes editorial eight years ago and by Harvard as being incredibly effective in drastically lowering the recidivism rate there:

-- Rita Zimmer, founder and Executive Director of Housing Plus Solutions-- see
(thx tons to Geri Wilmott for her PoJo column on this)

-- Elisabeth Swavola, Vera Institute Senior Program Associate at the Center on Sentencing and Corrections

-- Kevin Kelly
, Tompkins County Opportunities for Alternatives and Resources Board President